Plane sections of non-degenerate quadrics.
It is well known that, in real affine geometry, there are five types of non-degenerate quadrics: the ellipsoid, the hyperboloid of one sheet, the hyperboloid of two sheets, the elliptic paraboloid  and the hyperbolic paraboloid. The choice of name for each of them is based on the type of sections that each of these surfaces can present when intersected with different planes.

To illustrate this fact, we present a series of interactive graphs, which allow us to study the intersection of the quadrics with planes parallel to each of the coordinate planes.

Select the quadric you want to study. A three-dimensional representation of it will appear where, using the mouse, you can:

- Increase or decrease the image size (Shift + Click + Vertical dragging).

- Rotate surface  (Click + Dragging).

- Scroll the planes (Click + Dragging, over red, green or blue points).

- Return to the starting position, (Home).






School of Civil Engineering  

Universidade da Coruña   




Academic Year 2024/2025
