
  1. H.J. Bello, M.J. Chasco, X. Domínguez, "Cross sections and pseudo-homomorphisms of topological abelian groups", Topology and its Applications, 228:285-293. 2017.
  2. A. Moure, H. Gómez, "Phase-field model of cellular migration: Three-dimensional simulations in fibrous environments", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 230:162-197. 2017.

  3. F. Navarrina, L. Ramírez, J. París, X. Nogueira, I. Colominas, M. Casteleiro, M. Ruiz, J.R. Fernández de Mesa , "Un modelo integrado para el análisis a fatiga de firmes flexibles considerando los efectos dinámicos de rodadura", Carreteras: Especial Premio Internacional a la Innovación en Carreteras Juan Antonio Fernández del Campo , 214:61-69. 2017.
  4. G. Lorenzo, M.A. Scott, K. Tew, T.J.R. Hughes, H. Gómez, "Hierarchically refined and coarsened splines for moving interface problems, with particular application to phase-field models of prostate tumor growth", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 319:515-548. 2017.
  5. M. Egozcue, L. Fuentes, K.V. Katsikopoulos, M. Smithson, "Simple models in finance: a mathematical analysis of the probabilistic recognition heuristic", Journal of Risk Model Validation, 11:83-103. 2017.
  6. J. Bueno, Y. Bazilevs, R. Juanes, H. Gómez, "Droplet motion driven by tensotaxis", Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13:10-16. 2017.

  7. H. Casquero, C. Bona-casas, H. Gómez, "NURBS-based numerical proxies for red blood cells and circulating tumor cells in microscale blood flow", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316:646-667. 2017.

  8. J. Bueno, H. Casquero, Y. Bazilevs, H. Gómez, "Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of elastocapillarity", Meccanica, 1-17. 2017.
  9. M.J. Chasco, X. Domínguez, M. Tkachenko, "Duality properties of bounded torsion topological abelian groups", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 448:968-981. 2017.
  10. H. Gómez, "Quantitative analysis of the proliferative-to-invasive transition of hypoxic glioma cells", Integrative Biology, 3. 2017.

  11. J. Xu, G. Vilanova, H. Gómez, "Full-scale, three-dimensional simulation of early-stage tumor growth: The onset of malignancy", Integrative Biology, 3. 2017.

  12. M. Egozcue, L. Fuentes, "The variance upper bound for a mixed random variable", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2017.
  13. G. Vilanova, I. Colominas H. Gómez, "A mathematical model of tumour angiogenesis: growth, regression and regrowth", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 314:126-146. 2017.

  14. H. Casquero, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Reali, J. Kiendl, H. Gómez, "Arbitrary-degree T-splines for isogeometric analysis of fully nonlinear Kirchhoff–Love shells", Computer-Aided Design, 316:646-667. 2017.

  15. G. Vilanova, I. Colominas H. Gómez, "Computational modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis", Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 24:1071-1102. 2017.