Orthogonal maps

Orthogonal maps in $\mathbb{R}^2$.
An orthogonal transformation is an endormorphism that preserves the dot product, and therefore angles and distances. A transformation is direct if it preserves orientation and inverse otherwise. 

In the following interactive graphics you can study the orthogonal maps of the vector space: $\mathbb{R}^2$. In this case there are only two types of orthogonal maps:

- Rotations (direct transformations).

- Symmetries respect to a line (inverse transformations).

The composition of orthogonal maps is again an orthogonal map. In particular:

- The composition or two rotations is a rotation.

- The composition of a rotation and a symmetry is a symmetry

- The compositiono of two symmetries is a rotation.






School of Civil Engineering   

Universidade da Coruña   





Academic Year 2024/2025

