General considerations: |
- In this course we study part of the Numerical Methods that allow the approximate solution of some of the most frequent mathematical problems in Civil Engineering.
- The teaching activity is carried out during four hours of class per week.
- During the course a compulsory course work will be proposed.
- The course work will consist of solving a problem proposed by the professors of the course. To do so, it will be necessary to develop a program in FORTRAN language in the Numerical Calculus Laboratory of the School. The deadline for this work is published in this web page.
- The due date of the coursework (to be announced in a timely manner) will not be modified for any reason.
Classroom attendance: |
- Class attendance is recommended, but not required.
- During the classes there will be (unannounced) follow-up tests of the knowledge acquired by the students.
- Class attendance and completion of the follow-up tests will allow students to obtain bonuses on their exam grades.
Exams: |
- Throughout the course there is a final exam in January at the end of the course and another final exam in June/July.
- No documents of any kind will be allowed to be consulted during the exams. Any additional documentation required will be provided with the statement.
- No advanced electronic devices of any kind may be used in the exams. Only a basic scientific calculator (i.e., a calculator that can only perform arithmetic operations and evaluate elementary functions with a small number of numerical memories, without any other capabilities of any kind) may be used.
- The use of illicit documents or devices, as well as copying by any means during an examination, will be considered serious fraudulent activities.
- The final exams will consist of three or four sections each. Each section may consist of a problem and/or theory questions.
Course work: |
- The statement of the course work and the corresponding instructions will be published in due time on the web page of the subject.
- The course work is compulsory and is considered, for all appropriate purposes, as an integral part of the corresponding official evaluation.
- It is expressly forbidden to work in groups. The submission of a course work done in whole or in part by third parties will be considered as a serious fraudulent activity.
Pass the subject in final exams: |
- In order to pass the course in a final exam it will be an essential condition to have previously presented and satisfactorily passed the course work.
- The grade for the January final exam may be increased as follows:
- Course Work: Maximum 1 point out of 10.
- Class Follow-up Tests: Maximum 0.25 points out of 10.
- A pass will be granted in January if the total grade of the exam, with the indicated increments, is equal to or higher than 5 out of 10.
- The grade for the July final exam may be increased as follows:
- Course Work: Maximum 1 point out of 10.
- A pass will be granted in January if the total grade of the exam, with the indicated increments, is equal to or higher than 5 out of 10.
- The exam will consist of several sections appropriately indicated. In each of the sections the student must obtain at least 20% of the maximum score for that section in order to pass the course. If this minimum percentage is not reached in any of the exercises, the student will receive 50% of the total grade obtained.
- In the case of final exams of extraordinary evaluations (early, end of degree, etc.), in order to pass, it will be an essential condition to have previously presented and satisfactorily passed the course work and to obtain a grade in the exam equal to or higher than 5 out of 10.
Fraudulent activities: |
- Those who carry out any fraudulent activity will receive a zero in the corresponding call, without prejudice to any disciplinary measures that may be adopted. In addition, and indefinitely, they will lose the right to receive the aforementioned score increases and any other type of bonus. Finally, in order to be able to pass in successive official examinations, they must complete the course work assigned to them individually.
Web Page: |
- This website will provide complementary information to students (organization and program, recommended bibliography, coursework statement, practical work statements and solutions, notes and additional information, demonstration programs, links of interest, etc.).