Xesús Nogueira Professor Group of Numerical Methods in Engineering
Campus de Elviña. 15071 A Coruña. |
1. A. Eirís, L. Ramírez, I. Couceiro, J. Fernández-Fidalgo, J. París, X. Nogueira, “MLS-SPHALE: A review of Meshless-FV methods and a unifying formulation for particle discretizations”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 30, 4959–4981, (2023)
2. Luis Ramírez, Laura Edreira, Iván Couceiro, Pablo Ouro, Xesús Nogueira, Ignasi Colominas, “A new Mean Preserving Moving Least Squares method for Arbitrary Order Finite Volume schemes”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 443, 127768, (2023) 3. Panagiotis Tsoutsanis, Xesús Nogueira, Lin Fu, “A short note on a 3D spectral analysis for turbulent flows on unstructured meshes”, Journal of Computational Physics, 474, 111804, (2022) 4. Antonis F. Antoniadis, Dimitris Drikakis, Pericles S. Farmakis, Lin Fu, Ioannis Kokkinakis, Xesús Nogueira, Paulo A. S. F. Silva, Martin Skote, Vladimir Titarev, Panagiotis Tsoutsanis, “UCNS3D: An open-source high-order finite-volume unstructured CFD”, Computer Physics Communications, 279, 108453, (2022) 5. Luis Ramírez, Antonio Eirís, Iván Couceiro, José París, Xesús Nogueira, “An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian SPH-MLS method for the computation of compressible viscous flows”, Journal of Computational Physics , 464, 111172, (2022) 6. Alberto Prieto-Arranz, Luis Ramírez, Ignasi Colominas, Xesús Nogueira, “A well-balanced SPH-ALE scheme for Shallow Water applications”, Journal of Scientific Computing, 88 (3), 1-29, (2021) 7. Antonio Eirís, Luis Ramírez, Javier Fernández-Fidalgo, Iván Couceiro, Xesús Nogueira, “SPH-ALE scheme for weakly compressible viscous flow with a posteriori stabilization”, Water, 13, 245, (2021) 8. Javier Fernández-Fidalgo, Luis Ramírez, Panagiotis Tsoutsanis, Ignasi Colominas, Xesús Nogueira, “A reduced-dissipation WENO scheme with automatic dissipation adjustment”, Journal of Computational Physics , 425,109749, (2021) 9. Abdelkader Krimi, Luis Ramírez, Sofiane Khelladi, Fermín Navarrina, Michael Deligant and Xesús Nogueira, “Improved δ-SPH scheme with automatic and adaptive numerical dissipation”, Water, 12(10), 2858, (2020) 10. Charles Foulquié, Sofiane Khelladi, Michael Deligant, Luis Ramírez, Xesús Nogueira, Jacky Mardjono, “Numerical Assessment of Fan Blades’ Screen Effect on Fan/OGV Interaction Tonal Noise”, Journal of Sound and Vibration , 481,115428, (2020) 11. Pericles S. Farmakis, Panagiotis Tsoutsanis, Xesús Nogueira, “WENO schemes on unstructured meshes using a relaxed a posteriori MOOD limiting approach”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 363,112921, (2020) 12. A. Martínez, L. Ramírez, X. Nogueira, S. Khelladi, F. Navarrina, “A high-order finite volume method with improved isotherms reconstruction for the computation of multiphase flows using the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 79(3), 673-696, (2020) 13. Javier Fernández-Fidalgo, Stéphane Clain, Luis Ramírez, Ignasi Colominas, Xesús Nogueira, “Very high-order method on immersed curved domains for Finite Difference schemes with regular Cartesian grids”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 360, 112782, (2020) 14. X. Nogueira, L. Ramírez, J. Fernández-Fidalgo, M. Deligant, S. Khelladi, J.-C. Chassaing, F. Navarrina, “An a posteriori-implicit turbulent model with automatic dissipation adjustment for Large Eddy Simulations of compressible flows”, Computers and Fluids, 197, 104371, (2020) 15. A. Krimi, S. Khelladi, X. Nogueira, M. Deligant, R. Ata, M. Rezoug, “Multiphase Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics approach for modeling Soil-Water interactions”, Advances in Water Resources, 121, 189-205, (2018) 16. Luis Ramírez, Xesús Nogueira, Sofiane Khelladi, Abdelkader Krimi, Ignasi Colominas, “A very accurate Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian meshless method for Computational Aeroacoustics”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 342, 116-141, (2018) 17. Luis Ramírez, Xesús Nogueira, Pablo Ouro, Fermín Navarrina, Sofiane Khelladi, Ignasi Colominas, “A high-order Chimera method for finite volume schemes”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering , 25(3), 691-706., (2018) 18. Javier Fernández-Fidalgo, Xesús Nogueira, Luis Ramírez, Ignasi Colominas, “An a posteriori, efficient, high-spectral resolution hybrid finite-difference method for compressible flows”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 335: 91-127, (2018) 19. Abdelkader Krimi, Mehdi Rezoug, Sofiane Khelladi, Xesús Nogueira, Michael Deligant, Luis Ramírez, “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A consistent model for interfacial multiphase fluid flow simulations”, Journal of Computational Physics , 358: 53-87, (2018) |
A preprint of all my publications is available here