Non-degenerated conics.
In real affine geometry, there are three types of nondegenerate conics: the ellipse, the hyperbola and the parabola. Applying rotations and translations, a conic can always be expressed by a certain reduced equation, so that its axes coincide with the coordinate axes.

Below we present a series of interactive graphics, where the three types of non-degenerate conics are described. They also illustrate the geometric meaning of the polar line of a point with respect to a conic.

Select the conic you want to study. Using the mouse, you can:

- To modify the different parameters that define each conic   (Click + Dragging).

- Increase or decrease the image size (Shift + Click + Vertical dragging).

- Return to the starting position, (Home).








School of Civil Engineering  

Universidade da Coruña   





Academic Year 2024/2025
